SRF OMC stands for the Self-Realization Fellowship Online Meditation Center – an official center of Self-Realization Fellowship.
Officially launched by SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda in October 2019, it was designed, built, and is maintained through the generosity and kindness of a devoted group of SRF/YSS lay members. As with all SRF centers and meditation groups, this online venue is overseen by monastics in the Center Department at our International Headquarters.
Through the Online Meditation Center, SRF offers regularly scheduled online group meditations led by SRF and YSS monastics in several different languages, as well as lay member–led meditations, and online study groups of the SRF/YSS Lessons and Paramahansa Yogananda’s commentary on the scriptures. Additionally, the SRF OMC conducts special events such as one-day online silent retreats led by SRF and YSS monastics, convenient for devotees joining from across various time zones.